Hey Minnie! Will you share? I think I'm in some desperate need of some fashion over here! One the one hand, that's a good thing - I'm getting healthy and losing some weight. On the other hand, that means... no clothes. Nothing fits - I don't even have that one dress that Minnie has... Not that I'm complaining mind you, its a good problem to have...
(click image to enlarge)
(Dallas Morning News, 12/10/1972)
And, to be fair, I think Minnie must need those clothes more than I do. She is wayyyy more in the public eye than I am. She is one hard working gal. Public appearances. Halloween Parties. And now Christmas Parties are ready to start! There are always a new occasions to dress for at the World.
I guess I'll need to follow Minnie's example soon. The holidays are coming. Christmas parties. Places to go and people to visit... I wonder if she'll lend out her fashion consultant... I mean, I'd look good in polka-dots, wouldn't I???
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