Stop! Breathe!

Routines. Day in and Day out... We all have them - Up early, kids to school, off to work... and maybe if its a good day you'll get 5 minutes to eat breakfast. Run! Run! Run! Then repeat the next day. Are you thinking Groundhog Day yet??

Hectic days are the norm. Haven't you wished for 30 hours in a day? 8 days in a week? Maybe, just maybe, then we'd accomplish all the chores on the to-do list, cook dinner, play a board game with the kids, and still have a little energy left for a nice evening with your friends or spouse.

Oh no! It doesn't work that way! You know that... I know that. 30 hours in a day will just mean 6 more hours of volleyball practice, overtime at work, or cleaning the bathroom. Or, even worse, 6 more hours on the treadmill! Yikes!

Sometimes though, a rare quiet falls, the stars align, the cosmos relent... and you can catch your breath. Rare moments with no fighting kids, no ringing phones, no urgent email... Big Breath. Whew.

Deep breath in... deep breath out...

What happens if you stop for a moment? Really just stop and look around. NO - don't look at the dust bunnies... don't think of things you could be doing. I mean stop. Just observe...

Maybe you'll find some inspiration. It may be something small like a deck of cards thrown carelessly on the coffee table that inspires you to gather the troops and spend some time playing a game. Maybe it will be something just a little bigger. It may be a stray sneaker that reminds you of your husband who's made a huge decision to get in shape and is sticking to it. That might inspire you to do the same.

Or sometimes, the inspiration is even bigger... and it makes a change in the world. Like a mouse. What if Walt Disney was too busy to stop and REALLY see a mouse? What if he just thought "Oh no, what a nuisance?? I have to clean THAT up?!?!"

Maybe even a 78-yr old news article deserves a fresh look:

When I stumbled across it, I was inspired. I'm still inspired. I'll be giving a helping hand too. Maybe to a stranger, maybe to a child, or, even maybe, through the Give a Day, Get a Disney Day program - because, as the author of this article put it:

"It just goes to prove that even a mouse, if given a chance and a helping hand, can make a big splash in the world!"

P.S. Article is from the 11-16-1931 Cleveland Plain Dealer
